Distance from Manteca, CA to Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

The driving distance between Manteca, CA and Rancho Santa Margarita, CA is 384 mi. The travel time is 6 hours and 27 minutes.

Τhe cost of gas from Manteca, CA to Rancho Santa Margarita, CA is 46.68 $ (31.4 mpg, 3.82 $/gal).

From: Manteca, County: San Joaquin State: California
To: Rancho Santa Margarita, County: Orange State: California
Distance: 384 miles
Travel time: 6 h 27 min

How far is from Manteca, CA to Rancho Santa Margarita, CA?

How many miles is Manteca, CA to Rancho Santa Margarita, CA?

The distance between Manteca, CA and Rancho Santa Margarita, CA is 384 mi by car, with travel time of 6 hours and 27 minutes.

Driving directions from Manteca, CA to Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

384 mi 6 h 27 min
Head west
0 ft
Turn right onto Acacia Avenue
0 ft
Turn right onto West Alameda Street
0.3 mi
Turn right onto North Main Street
1.3 mi
Take the ramp on the right
0.3 mi
Merge left onto CA 120
5.2 mi
Merge left onto West Side Freeway (I 5)
1.1 mi
Keep left onto West Side Freeway (I 5)
0.9 mi
Keep left onto West Side Freeway (I 5)
237 mi
Keep right onto West Side Freeway (I 5 Truck)
1.1 mi
Merge left onto Golden State Freeway (I 5)
21 mi
Keep left onto Golden State Freeway (I 5)
36.3 mi
Keep left onto Golden State Freeway (I 5)
2 mi
Keep left onto Golden State Freeway (I 5)
2.1 mi
Keep right towards I 405 South
0.3 mi
Keep left onto I 5 Truck
5 mi
Keep right onto Golden State Freeway (I 5)
19.6 mi
Keep left onto Golden State Freeway (I 5)
1.4 mi
Merge left onto Santa Ana Freeway (I 5)
26 mi
Take the ramp towards Broadway
0.7 mi
Keep left towards Main Street South
0.3 mi
Keep left towards I 5 South
0.3 mi
Merge left onto Santa Ana Freeway (I 5)
8.6 mi
Take exit 96B towards CA 133 North: Santa Margarita
1.2 mi
Merge left onto Eastern Transportation Corridor (CA 133 Toll)
2.1 mi
Take exit 14A towards CA 241 South: Santa Margarita
0.7 mi
Merge left onto Foothill Transportation Corridor (CA 241 Toll)
8.1 mi
Take exit 19 towards Auto Center Drive
0.4 mi
Turn right onto Santa Margarita Parkway
0.7 mi
Turn right onto El Paseo
0.2 mi
You have arrived at your destination, on the left
0 ft

How much does it cost to drive from Manteca, CA to Rancho Santa Margarita, CA?

The fuel cost with gas from Manteca, CA to Rancho Santa Margarita, CA is 46.68$ (3.82 $/gal, 31.4 mpg).

Fuel cost = (383.75 mi / 31.4 mpg) x 3.82$ per gallon = 46.68$

In more detail, the result is obtained:

Fuel needed = Distance / Car fuel consumption = miles / car Consumption = 383.75 mi / 31.4 mpg = 12.22 gallons

Fuel needed = 12.22 gallons

Fuel cost = Fuel needed x Price per gallon = 12.22 gallons x 3.82$ per gallon = 46.68 $

Fuel cost from Manteca, CA to Rancho Santa Margarita, CA = 46.68 $

How much will each passenger pay for carpooling from Manteca, CA to Rancho Santa Margarita, CA?

The more people travel by carpooling, the lower the cost is for each passenger. Each passenger carpooling from Manteca, CA to Rancho Santa Margarita, CA with gasoline as fuel will pay:

For 2 passengers: 23.34 $ (46.68/2) each.
For 3 passengers: 15.56 $ (46.68/3) each.
For 4 passengers: 11.67 $ (46.68/4) each.

How much do you pay to travel from Manteca, CA to Rancho Santa Margarita, CA by diesel car (diesel cost estimator)?

The trip with diesel fuel from Manteca, CA to Rancho Santa Margarita, CA costs 28.77 $ (3.92$/gal, 52.3 mpg).

For the carpooling trip with diesel fuel, each member will pay:
For 2 passengers: 14.39 $ (28.77/2).
For 3 passengers: 9.59 $ (28.77/3).
For 4 passengers: 7.19 $ (28.77/4).

Where is Manteca, CA located?

Manteca, CA is located in San Joaquin County and in the state of california. It is located at an altitude of 22 feet (7 m) above sea level. Manteca, CA has coordinates 37.80278o,-121.22083o. How-far.net provides a map of Manteca, CA from which you can plan your trips to other US states and cities.

What is the location of Rancho Santa Margarita, CA?

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA is located in Orange County and in the state of california. It is located at an altitude of 925 feet (282 m) above sea level. Rancho Santa Margarita, CA has coordinates 33.64139o,-117.59444o. How-far.net provides a map of Rancho Santa Margarita, CA from which you can plan your trips to other US states and cities.