Distance between cities USA
Find route, fuel cost, distance, filling in the starting and ending point. Drag points to change the route. Show route, fuel cost, distance, travel time, driving directions and alternatives routes.
Find place altitude by click on map.Find coordinates on map by click
GuidesDo right-click on map to add starting and ending city. Also you can fill in the input fields for adding starting and ending points (cities). Drag points to change the route.

USA cities distance
Find route, distance by car in USA. Calculate fuel cost and show alternatives routes on map.
Mileage between cities in US
Find how many miles is the distance between two cities in US. Take driving directions for specific route with detailed text instructions.
Driving distances between US cities
This tool is US road trip cost calculator.
Driving distance calculator and fuel calculator
The user can find distance between cities by car. There is also a fuel calculator that calculates fuel consumptions and fuel costs for traveling by petrol and diesel cars. In the fuel calculator, the user can modify the fuel price and the consumption of the car, adjusting the fuel prices to the price of the fuel station in his neighborhood and the consumption to the consumption of his car.
How could I calculate miles between cities?
To calculate miles between cities, you must fill in the starting point and the destination. The distance will be displayed in miles and kilometers. Moreover the distance calculator will display alternative routes, if these are available. Routes are on highways and local roads.