Distance from Apache Junction, AZ to Fredonia, AZ
The distance between Apache Junction, AZ and Fredonia, AZ is 374 mi. The travel time is 6 hours and 51 minutes.
Τhe cost of gas from Apache Junction, AZ to Fredonia, AZ is 45.5 $ (31.4 mpg, 3.82 $/gal).
How many miles is Apache Junction, AZ to Fredonia, AZ?
The distance between Apache Junction, AZ and Fredonia, AZ is 374 mi, with travel time of 6 hours and 51 minutes.
Driving directions from Apache Junction, AZ to Fredonia, AZ
How much does it cost to drive from Apache Junction, AZ to Fredonia, AZ?
The fuel cost with gas from Apache Junction, AZ to Fredonia, AZ is 45.5$ (3.82 $/gal, 31.4 mpg).
Fuel cost = (373.94 mi / 31.4 mpg) x 3.82$ per gallon = 45.5$
In more detail, the result is obtained:
Fuel needed = Distance / Car fuel consumption = miles / car Consumption = 373.94 mi / 31.4 mpg = 11.91 gallons
Fuel needed = 11.91 gallons
Fuel cost = Fuel needed x Price per gallon = 11.91 gallons x 3.82$ per gallon = 45.5 $
Fuel cost from Apache Junction, AZ to Fredonia, AZ = 45.5 $
How much will each passenger pay for carpooling from Apache Junction, AZ to Fredonia, AZ?
The more people travel by carpooling, the lower the cost is for each passenger. Each passenger carpooling from Apache Junction, AZ to Fredonia, AZ with gasoline as fuel will pay:
For 2 passengers: 22.75 $ (45.5/2) each.
For 3 passengers: 15.17 $ (45.5/3) each.
For 4 passengers: 11.38 $ (45.5/4) each.
How much do you pay to travel from Apache Junction, AZ to Fredonia, AZ by diesel car (diesel cost estimator)?
The trip with diesel fuel from Apache Junction, AZ to Fredonia, AZ costs 28.03 $ (3.92$/gal, 52.3 mpg).
For the carpooling trip with diesel fuel, each member will pay:
For 2 passengers: 14.02 $ (28.03/2).
For 3 passengers: 9.34 $ (28.03/3).
For 4 passengers: 7.01 $ (28.03/4).
Where is Apache Junction, AZ located?
Apache Junction, AZ is located in Pinal County and in the state of Arizona. It is located at an altitude of 1722 feet (525 m) above sea level. Apache Junction, AZ has coordinates 33.41500o,-111.54611o. How-far.net provides a map of Apache Junction, AZ from which you can plan your trips to other US states and cities.
What is the location of Fredonia, AZ?
Fredonia, AZ is located in Coconino County and in the state of Arizona. It is located at an altitude of 4671 feet (1424 m) above sea level. Fredonia, AZ has coordinates 36.94944o,-112.52167o. How-far.net provides a map of Fredonia, AZ from which you can plan your trips to other US states and cities.