Distance from Sandy, UT to Cedar City, UT

From: Sandy, County: Salt Lake State: Utah
To: Cedar City, County: Iron State: Utah
Distance: 240 miles
Travel time: 3 h 36 min

How far is from Sandy, UT to Cedar City, UT?

How many miles is Sandy, UT to Cedar City, UT?

The distance between Sandy, UT and Cedar City, UT is 240 mi by car. The travel time is 3 hours and 36 minutes.

240 mi 3 h 36 min
Head north
0 ft
Turn left onto East Galena Drive
0.6 mi
Turn right onto Sego Lily Drive
0 ft
Turn left onto 700 East (UT 71)
1 mi
Turn right onto 10600 South
1.3 mi
Take the ramp on the left
0.4 mi
Merge left onto I 15
235 mi
Take the ramp towards UT 56
0.3 mi
Turn right onto West 200 North (UT 56)
1.1 mi
Turn right onto North Main Street (I 15 BUS)
0.2 mi
Turn right onto West Center Street (UT 289)
0 ft
You have arrived at your destination, on the right
0 ft

How much does it cost to drive from Sandy, UT to Cedar City, UT?

The fuel cost with petrol from Sandy, UT to Cedar City, UT is 29.18$(3.82$/gal, 31.4mpg).
For 2 passengers: 14.59$ (29.18/2).
For 3 passengers: 9.73$ (29.18/3).
For 4 passengers: 7.3$ (29.18/4).

Fuel cost = (239.9 mi / 31.4 mpg) x 3.82$ per gallon = 29.18$

In more detail, the result is obtained:

Fuel needed = Distance / Car fuel consumption = miles / car Consumption = 239.9 mi / 31.4 mpg = 7.6 gallons

Fuel needed = 7.6 gallons

Fuel cost = Fuel needed x Price per gallon = 7.6 gallons x 4$ per gallon = 29.18 $

Fuel cost from Sandy, UT to Cedar City, UT = 29.18 $

How much do you pay to travel from Sandy, UT to Cedar City, UT by diesel car (diesel cost estimator)?

The trip with diesel fuel from Sandy, UT to Cedar City, UT costs 17.99 $ (3.92$/gal, 52.3 mpg).
For 2 passengers: 9 $ (17.99/2).
For 3 passengers: 6 $ (17.99/3).
For 4 passengers: 4.5 $ (17.99/4).